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Home » Can I Get Auto Insurance in Missouri Without a License?
May 7, 2024
Bargain Insurance Connection

Can I Get Auto Insurance in Missouri Without a License?

Can I get auto insurance in Missouri without a license? Yes, it’s possible, albeit with some limitations. If you own a vehicle but lack a valid driver’s license for various reasons, you still have options for obtaining insurance. Insurance companies in Missouri may issue a policy if you can list a primary driver who holds a valid license. This scenario often applies to vehicle owners who do not drive due to age, disability, or personal choice, but still require coverage for others driving their vehicle.

However, it’s important to note that not all insurance companies will offer coverage for unlicensed drivers in Missouri. It may require some research and shopping around to find a company that is willing to provide this type of policy. Additionally, the premiums for these policies may be higher as they are considered riskier by insurance companies.

No License Due to Suspension:

If your license is suspended, you can still secure insurance. Most carriers offer this option. They can file an SR22 with the state which aids in reinstating your license. An SR22 is a form that verifies you carry the minimum state requirements for auto insurance. The insurer sends this form to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) on your behalf.

Your License is Expired:

If your driver’s license is expired, obtaining auto insurance is still feasible. However, during your policy term, you may be required to secure a valid license. If you fail to do so, your insurance company may cancel your coverage or refuse to renew it.

You Have Never Been Licensed:

In situations where you’ve never obtained a valid license, securing auto insurance becomes more complex. Many insurers typically decline coverage due to this reason. However, a select few companies specialize in covering high-risk drivers.

Contacting an independent insurance agency is advisable. Independent agencies often partner with carriers open to insuring unlicensed owners. This approach ensures access to those willing to provide coverage, making it a practical solution.

Woman showing her driver license

What if You Have a Foreign or International License?

Having a foreign or international license generally makes finding auto insurance simpler. Interestingly, most companies accept these licenses. However, due to challenges in verifying driving records, a policy surcharge may apply. Nonetheless, you can still be insured. You may also need to obtain an International Driving Permit (IDP). This document acts as a universal driver’s license, allowing you to drive in any country for one year.

What if Your License is Revoked?

If your driver’s license has been revoked, obtaining auto insurance can be challenging. Many companies will not insure someone with a revoked license. However, you may be able to find coverage through a high-risk insurance company that specializes in insuring drivers with poor driving records. Keep in mind that your premiums will likely be significantly higher than those for a licensed driver.

The Importance of Having Auto Insurance

Having an auto insurance policy in Missouri is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it’s required by law. If you’re caught driving without insurance, you risk facing legal consequences and hefty fines. Additionally, having auto insurance protects you financially in case of an accident or damage to your vehicle. Without insurance, you would have to pay

Final Thoughts

While it’s possible to obtain auto insurance in Missouri without a license, it’s important to note that having a valid license is typically required for maintaining coverage. Additionally, if you do not have a license due to a history of driving infractions or poor driving habits, your premiums may be significantly higher and it’s important to work towards getting your license reinstated in order to avoid any issues with your insurance coverage.

It’s always best to consult with an insurance agent or company directly to discuss your individual situation.

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Categories: Auto Insurance

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